Elevate Your Client Experience!

Let’s build your easy, quick and enjoyable systems that’ll help you elevate your client experience and manage client projects without knocking on burnout’s door.

Welcome to Project Flow: The VIP Experience.


Creative, Service Pro, Coach who is tired of the push and pull that comes with managing multiple clients, their requests and projects all at the same time. You’re ready to set your boundaries (and actually stick to them this time), serve with excellence and increase your client retention so that you can skip to the bank 💃🏾.

i GET IT...

You Have the Following Frustrations & Problems:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

"Highlight a relevant and Powerful part of the testimonial."

Gummi bears dragée tootsie roll carrot cake sesame snaps marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert liquorice marshmallow cookie macaroon cake gummi bears soufflé chocolate. Biscuit icing ice cream pie apple pie gingerbread lollipop carrot cake. Tootsie roll chupa chups chocolate cake toffee carrot cake cake chupa chups.
John Doe

I Quickly Noticed there was a disconnect...

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups. Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. Tootsie roll liquorice ice cream sweet roll candy canes jelly candy bonbon caramels. Chocolate cake shortbread dessert toffee danish danish jujubes pudding cookie.

Project Flow: The VIP Experience

A custom system solution for all creatives, service pros and coaches who are ready to change the way they serve and increase their profits.

Project Flow: VIP Experience to help you elevate your client experience
Let's Break This Down

Project Flow Includes:


Detailed System Audit & Report

Before any work begins, I’ll audit your current systems and provide you with a report that outlines our next steps for your project.


Custom System Mapout & Templates

You’ll be able to view your new systems from a aerial view with your custom mapout and complementing templates.


Client Hub & Dashboard Creation

I’ll plug your new systems mapout into your ClickUp and create the most efficient and automated Client Hub along with a custom Client Dashboard.


Client Training Videos

Don’t worry about answering client questions regarding your new systems. I’ll create short & easy to understand training for your clients to watch and get accustomed to your systems!

Imagine Your World After using "PROJECT FLOW"....

The Results You're Going to Get:

How It Works

Audit & Mapout

I’ll perform your detailed audit and present your custom report. Once you’ve approved, I’ll create a 10/10 visual of your new systems!


Now we’re unto creating your ideal client experience. This is where your ClickUp will receive a full UPGRADE.


Once your buildout is complete, you’ll receive training to navigate it, plus short and easy to understand training videos will be created for your clients too!

This Programs brings Real Results

Jane Doe, Brand Strategist

"Highlight a relevant and Powerful part of the testimonial."

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups. Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. 

Jane Doe, Brand Strategist

"Highlight a relevant and Powerful part of the testimonial."

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups. Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. 

Jane Doe, Brand Strategist

"Highlight a relevant and Powerful part of the testimonial."

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups. Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. 

Pay In Full

$ 2500
  1. Detailed System Audit & Report
  2. Custom System Mapout & Templates
  3. Client Hub & Dashboard Creation
  4. Client Training Videos

$700 Deposit

$ 600
x 3 payments
  1. Detailed System Audit & Report
  2. Custom System Mapout & Templates
  3. Client Hub & Dashboard Creation
  4. Client Training Videos

By The End Of Project Flow, You Will...

elevated experience

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Improved Communication

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

unshakeable boundaries

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

centralized client hub

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

increased profits

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

more confidence

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


I'm Chevanice, Your Systems Brain

Hey, I’m Chevanice Campbell but you can call me Chev!

I believe you can have a successful business and a great life. And yes, they can exist at the same time. It’s called balance aka systems.

My main aim is to help you elevate your Client Experience through simple, organized and automated systems.

But It Wasn't Always That Way...

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups.

Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. Tootsie roll liquorice ice cream sweet roll candy canes jelly candy bonbon caramels. Chocolate cake shortbread dessert toffee danish danish jujubes pudding cookie.

Oat cake ice cream chocolate cake donut topping. Biscuit sweet roll jelly-o wafer croissant pastry topping candy lemon drops. Bear claw sweet jelly-o croissant chocolate cake macaroon. 

Complete Organization
Total Freedom
Happier Clients
Less Work Hours


Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups. Chocolate cupcake brownie dessert sugar plum biscuit bonbon. Cake cookie gummi bears marzipan sweet roll. Chocolate bar cake dragée candy canes gummies biscuit tootsie roll brownie pie. Lollipop biscuit gingerbread jelly beans ice cream pie cheesecake dessert shortbread. Tootsie roll liquorice ice cream sweet roll candy canes jelly candy bonbon caramels.

This Is Perfect For You If ...

This Is Not For You If...

Secure Your Spot For Project Flow

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a ClickUp Account?

Yes, you'll need a ClickUp account in order for me to build your experience for Project Flow.

How long will it take for me toaccess my new systems?

Only 10 days!

Question Here

Gummi bears dragée tootsie roll carrot cake sesame snaps marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert liquorice marshmallow cookie macaroon cake gummi bears soufflé chocolate. Biscuit icing ice cream pie apple pie gingerbread lollipop carrot cake. 

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups?

Gummi bears dragée tootsie roll carrot cake sesame snaps marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert liquorice marshmallow cookie macaroon cake gummi bears soufflé chocolate. Biscuit icing ice cream pie apple pie gingerbread lollipop carrot cake. 

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups?

Gummi bears dragée tootsie roll carrot cake sesame snaps marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert liquorice marshmallow cookie macaroon cake gummi bears soufflé chocolate. Biscuit icing ice cream pie apple pie gingerbread lollipop carrot cake. 

Lollipop candy canes chocolate bar icing cake candy canes ice cream chupa chups?

Gummi bears dragée tootsie roll carrot cake sesame snaps marshmallow lemon drops. Dessert liquorice marshmallow cookie macaroon cake gummi bears soufflé chocolate. Biscuit icing ice cream pie apple pie gingerbread lollipop carrot cake. 

The Productive Hub | Chevanice Campbell | Systems & Operations | Contact: